Table 'romat_BD.event' doesn't exist: select broker.oid as oid, event.title, day(event.startdate) as day, case month(event.startdate) when "1" then "
Janeiro" when "2" then "
Fevereiro" when "3" then "
Março" when "4" then "
Abril" when "5" then "
Maio" when "6" then "
Junho" when "7" then "
Julho" when "8" then "
Agosto" when "9" then "
Setembro" when "10" then "
Outubro" when "11" then "
Novembro" when "12" then "
Dezembro" END as month from event, broker where broker.oid = event.oid and startdate > curdate() and event.title like '%Páscoa%' and broker.rlevel = 1 order by startdate